In recent years, Jan Randák devoted himself to several seemingly marginal topics. From the history of Czech society in the 19. century and the revolution of 1848/1849, he shifted his attention to the issues of politics of history and memory at the beginning of the Czechoslovak communist dictatorship after 1948. In the same period of Czech contemporary history, a topic of the position of children with mental otherness drew his attention, i.e. an issue of education and the limits of inclusion of children and youth “requiring special care”, as the pupils of special schools were called.
His interest in environmental history and the relationship between humans and nature was awakened by his research into the Czechoslovak interwar tramping, which project was funded by the Czech Science Foundation. Especially in the last few years, he has added writing for domestic media to his professional activities. In journalistic texts, he is interested in the historical aspects of today’s global challenges and crises, because he is convinced that history has its place in contemporary social debates.
jan.randak(zavináč); LinkedIn