From 28 February to 1 March, the German historian Reinhild Kreis from the University of Siegen visited the Institute of Czech History at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. Although the history department at the University of Siegen ranks among the smaller university departments, it is the only institution in Germany that has embedded Professur für Geschichte der Gegenwart in its structure.
During her stay in Prague, Prof. Kreis also met with members of the Environmental Humanities and History of the Present Research Group. Possibilities and prospects for cooperation were discussed, including lectures and projects, e.g. in the form of a project funded by Erasmus+ or in the form of citizen science development.
Reinhild Kreis presented her forthcoming book of short interviews mapping the presence of historical ideas in people’s everyday thinking and topics revealing conflict potential. We all agreed that the history of the present is closely related to environmental humanities. Both perspectives stem from the need to reflect critically on the causes of contemporary development that we understand as an intersection of different types of crises. However, history is not only understood as a “teacher of life”. We would rather ask what alternatives from the past can be inspiring for our present and, conversely, what historical images and representations can reduce our ability to cope with major societal challenges.
In the evening, Reinhild Kreis joined the group for a visit to the event Proměny řeky at the Ponrepo Cinema.